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[Solved] Resume Assignment So, you attend a professional meeting tonight and chat with a vice president with a 3PL.

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[Solved] Resume Assignment So, you attend a professional meeting tonight and chat with a vice president with a 3PL.

Resume Assignment
So, you attend a professional meeting tonight and chat with a vice president with a 3PL. “Looking for an exceptional MTSU graduate highly capable of doing great things for your company?” you ask. She replies, “Send me your resume by Noon tomorrow.”
Now is the time to get your resume in shape. Complete the attached resume release form and submit it along with your resume via D2L no later than the indicated due date in D2L. To avoid a reduction in participation points (up to 10% of the final course grade), submit the resume and name your resume file using your last name and your graduation term and year. Also include instructions for sharing your resume with potential employers. For example:
Lastname_GraduationTerm_GraduationYear_(share or hold).doc
Example: Doe_Spring_2022_share.doc[1]
Failure to properly name your file will result in a penalty and a deduction in points. Late submissions will receive a deduction in the assignment’s final grade as indicated in the syllabus. The faculty will use this resume to send to companies that contact us throughout the semester, so make sure it is your very best, no excuses. You may request your resume not be distributed to potential employers. All students are required to submit a resume and release form. There will be no reduction in grading for those that do not wish their resumes to be shared with outside businesses.
The following link contains advice from on creating resumes. Companies are looking for someone to solve problems and contribute. Use action words (avoid passive phrases) and, if possible, provide specific examples of how you have been part of the solution. (There are plenty of examples online.) Honestly, promote yourself.


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