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[Solved] Hi Writer Module Project Management Technique ( ebook- take one reference from

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[Solved] Hi Writer  Module Project Management Technique ( ebook- take one reference from

Hi Writer
Module Project Management Technique ( ebook- take one reference from the book – Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme
Edition: 8th
Author(s): Wysocki, R. K.
Date of Publication: 2020
Please reply to the student name (Elena Rizzo) question in the end summary
Good afternoon Steph, class,
I look forward to reading your posts and discussing project management techniques over the following weeks.
The Eurotunnel project: why was it necessary
As stated by Wysocki (2020), a project is a “sequence of finite dependent activities whose successful completion results in the delivery of the expected business value that validated doing the project” (Wysocki, 2020, p. 7). The Eurotunnel is nowadays the maritime gateway to England, with nearly 1.4 million trucks transported on board Truck Shuttles and 61 million cars transported on “Le Shuttle” since 1994 (GetLink, 2022).
Project Justification
The Channel Tunnel (Chunnel) was initially conceived to make easier and faster moving between England and France, creating a fixed transportation link between the two countries, thus enhancing economic development, improving European trade and providing an alternative high-speed transportation method to the existing modes (Frank et al, 2009). The Channel Tunnel was an incredibly complex and structured project, which required the cooperation of foreign governments, banks and investors.
Project’s success
The Eurotunnel is today considered one of the “seven wonders of the modern world” (Eurotunnel), an engineering achievement and a symbol of man’s imagination and daring (Fairweather, 2022). However, even if the Chunnel project was finally delivered and contributed to creating a direct link between England and “the Continent”, it should not be overlooked that it was more than a year late, with its original cost estimate doubled to $14.9 billion (Fairweather, 2022). The Chunnel construction took approximately 20% longer than planned and came in 80% over budget (Strategic PPM, 2010).
According to you, are changes in length and budget the main factors accountable for projects’ failure?
Anbari, Frank T., Giammalvo, Paul, Jaffe, Paul, Letavec, Craig, Merchant, Rizwan, PMI, The Chunnel Project (2009), available from [Accessed on 09/08/2022]
Eurotunnel, available from [Accessed on 09/08/2022]
Fairweather V., Grist Project Management, The Channel Tunnel Larger Than Life and Late (2022), available from [Accessed on 09/08/2022]
GETLINK, Activity and Performance, (2022), available from [Accessed on 09/08/2022]
Strategic PPM, Project Failure – Channel Tunnel (2010), available from [Accessed on 09/08/2022]
Wysocki, R., 2020. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme. 8 ed. s.l.:Wiley.


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