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[Solved] Find a recent current event (news article, journal article, or TEDTalk) related to a topic from one of the Learning Outcomes in this course, and discuss it with your classmates. Summary

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[Solved] Find a recent current event (news article, journal article, or TEDTalk) related to a topic from one of the Learning Outcomes in this course, and discuss it with your classmates. Summary

You can start by using Google to help you browse recent news articles or browse TEDx (TEDTalk) videos directly from their website or YouTube published within the last 6 months.
The overarching goal is to;
Find a recent current event (news article, journal article, or TEDTalk) related to a topic from one of the Learning Outcomes in this course, and discuss it with your classmates.
Summarize the article or video, and discuss how it relates to one of the Learning Outcomes below.
Pose two questions that apply this.
Select a Learning Outcome of your choice and narrow down a few keywords that might help your search. Select a learning outcome or anatomical system of interest to you! Using Google, select the dropdown menu for a more advanced search. You can select articles to come up in the past year, but be sure only to explore articles from the last six months. If you select a video instead of a written article, it must be a scholarly video published within the last six months, such as a TEDx or TEDTalk video.
You may have to refine your keyword search a few times to find something interesting. Feel free to pair course content terminology with things that interest you.
Finalizing the Article/Video
The current event you select must:
be from a reputable source (forums like Reddit are not acceptable). If you are choosing a blog post, it must contain reputable sources within its references. Solely personal opinion will not suffice.
be accessible to all students. Do not pick an article that requires a paid subscription.
be visible in its entirety. Sometimes, scholarly journal articles will publicly post a summary of findings (abstract, method and findings, conclusions). If you are using a scholarly journal article, make sure you are not simply reading a summary.
be scholarly in nature.
have been published within the last six months.
Step 2: Summarize
Turn your rough notes into a clear and concise summary of your current event in four paragraphs. Be sure to paraphrase appropriately, and make sure that you acknowledge where you found each unique thought if it is not common knowledge.
Step 3: Connect
The next four paragraphs in your original post will discuss how your chosen current event is related to one of the Learning Outcomes in this course.
Here are the topics covered in this course that you can choose from:
The Endocrine System
The Cardiovascular System
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
Nutrition, Metabolism and Homeostasis
The Urinary System
Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance
The Reproductive System
Heredity and Genetics

[Solved] MHW-642 Topic 6: Cassie Case Study

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Find a recent current event (news article, journal article, or TEDTalk) related to a topic from one of the Learning Outcomes in this course, and discuss it with your classmates.... View This Answer


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