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[Solved] Discussion: Trends in healthcare regulation

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[Solved] Discussion: Trends in healthcare regulation

HCA 812 Grand Canyon Week 8 DQ2 Discussion: Trends in health care regulation
ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED, INSTRUCTION-COMPLIANT PAPER – Discussion: Trends in healthcare regulation
Given the trends in healthcare regulation, what fields of research are currently the most meaningful for healthcare administrators? Why? How might your dissertation research address one of these fields?
HCA 812 Week 1 Discussion 1 Example Solution
Consider the six organizational cases described by Blass in the module readings. Extending these ideas, under what circumstances could an individual forfeit the right to self-regulation? Why? At what point, if any, does self-regulation become unethical? Why?
In each of the Blass cases, individuals falsified information. Each case was different and each had unethical events that occurred. False documentation in a medical or health record is not only wrong for the practice, but for the patient. When one is thinking about health care or care in general, patients are thinking about their own medical safety and that they are in the best of hands. In the Blass (2010) cases, one of the board committees stated regard any false certification as being an extremely serious matter because it weakens the confidence of the public and damages the integrity of the profession. Trust is broken between the relationship and the partnership. According to Blass (2010) the ten guiding principles outlined for the veterinary profession as stated on the RCVS website and publications are that ‘your clients are entitled to expect that you will:
Make animal welfare your first consideration in seeking to provide the most appropriate attention for animals committed to your care
Ensure that all animals under your care are treated humanely and with respect
Maintain and continue to develop your professional knowledge and skills
Foster and maintain a good relationship with your clients, earning their trust, and respecting their
views and protecting client confidentiality
Uphold the good reputation of the veterinary profession
Ensure the integrity of veterinary certification
Foster and endeavour to maintain good relationships with your professional colleagues
Understand and comply with your legal obligations in relation to the prescription, safe-keeping
and supply of veterinary medicinal products
Familiarize yourself with and observe the relevant legislation in relation to veterinary surgeons
as individual members of the profession, employers, employees and business owners
Respond promptly, fully and courteously to complaints and criticism
The individuals in the 6 cases falsified information for their own benefit and had to suffer for the consequences. In case

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