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[Solved] Discuss if you have been able to follow that plan and how it has helped with meeting your prioritized objectives.

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[Solved] Discuss if you have been able to follow that plan and how it has helped with meeting your prioritized objectives.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
PC-2.1: Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.
Assignment Instructions:
Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this course or in your degree program, compose a minimum 3-page, a double-spaced expository paper describing how you are able to achieve your goals through planning and prioritization. The paper must include a title page and follow APA formatting guidelines.
Scenario 1: You Have a Plan
List the goals and objectives you had coming into the course/degree program. Did you have a priority for those goals? Were you able to create a plan for completing those goals? Discuss if you have been able to follow that plan and how it has helped with meeting your prioritized objectives.
You might consider some or all of the following:

Content: Where are you weak/strong? Do you place different emphasis on some content areas over others?
Risks of non-completion: What are the costs of non-completion (monetary and other)? What factors might prevent or hinder your expected performance in the course? Can you plan to avoid or mitigate these risks?
Schedule: Do you set aside periods of time to complete coursework? How detailed is your schedule?
Material: Is it adequate for your needs? What other sources of content would you identify to help?
Explicit versus implicit planning: Everyone plans, even if they do not necessarily realize it. What differences do you experience when you make the plan explicit (like in this exercise)?
How do you prioritize goals and time? Are you trying to get an A or just pass? Is the grade or the knowledge more valuable to you? Alternatively, are they equally important?
What other strategies might you explore? Being more collaborative (as in a study group)? The possibility of finding a tutor or mentor?
What do you do if you are struggling or falling behind? Would it pay to think of these possibilities in advance and have a plan in mind in case it happens?
If time gets tight, what areas could you lighten up on?
Achieving excellence: Are there particular areas where you would like to develop your skills or knowledge to a higher level than you have previously or currently attained?

Scenario 2: You Do Not Have a Plan:
If none of the above seem to apply to your experience with the course/degree so far, examine the final 5 weeks of this course and complete a plan using the above exercise as a guide.
Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this class, compose a minimum 3-page, double-spaced paper describing how you are able to achieve your goals for this course through planning and prioritization. List the goals and objectives you had coming into the course. Reflect on whether you have a priority for those goals. Were you able to create a plan for completing those goals? Describe what you have learned and how you will use this knowledge with any other class. Lastly, discuss how you will use this knowledge in your present or future career or your personal life. Your paper needs to include a title page and follow APA formatting guidelines.
In the final page of your paper, include 2–3 paragraphs describing how this kind of planning approach relates to people working in the area of networking and computing infrastructure. Discuss the importance of the goals you have, whether they are specific or general in nature, what priority you have placed on each, and how they fit into your plan for the future.
Assignment Requirements:

Expository paper.
Standard APA formatting.
Includes a title page.
Font size of 10 or 12.
At least 3 full double-spaced pages in length, not counting the title page.
Includes a highly developed viewpoint, purpose, and exceptional content.
Demonstrates superior organization, and is well ordered, logical, and unified.
Free of grammar and spelling errors.
No evidence of plagiarism.

Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.


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