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[Solved] Children have a hard time again distinguishing what is real and what is not, and when children are so into a program, app, or show and it is disrupted by their parents taking that always is

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[Solved] Children have a hard time again distinguishing what is real and what is not, and when children are so into a program, app, or show and it is disrupted by their parents taking that always is

What is your opinion about these three paragraphs? 150 for each response.
1. Children have a hard time again distinguishing what is real and what is not, and when children are so into a program, app, or show and it is disrupted by their parents taking that always is not a great feeling. They think their life is falling apart but I personally think that happens when the parents replace themselves with a phone or tablet. Again it is hard to try and juggle everything that happens in our daily lives, and I can’t imagine how stressful and tiring that can be, so I get why parents sometimes cave in and let them have screen time. The last school I worked at was a no-screen time school, unless it was rainbow fish vhs or some type of sing-along. I remember I opened one day and I was inside and all I heard was a child screaming at the top of their lungs, the door opened and the parent said, “Sorry she just didn’t want to give me back my phone because she was watching YouTube.” I just remember the child being distressed and mad, and the parent you can tell was a tad bit over their morning so far. I believe that the whole situation could have been handled differently if the parents maybe set some boundaries or have a morning routine that reminded the child when it is a good time for that and for how long. The parents do have control and a say, it is just how they follow through with what they say and want for their child.
2. “The child develops an attachment relationship with a machine.”
This is true but not just with children but with adults as well. We have our phones on us now 24/7 without any break from technology. Children see this and to them they think well this must be important because its so important to these adults to have all the time. I see children of all ages becoming very addicted and attached to their tablets, phones, computers etc. It’s not healthy but in today’s society its considered normal and its also in our faces all the time. If you don’t have a iPhone at age ten you’re not cool enough or you can’t talk to your friends on the phone whatever it is. I miss having a land line and a fax machine. I’m in the weird generation where I wasn’t born into it but I have had it most of my life. Children today are exposed to it right away.
3. “…typically addictive behaviors when you try to take the device…protest and outrage, anger.”
I once read an article that referred to screens as “digital heroine.” It seemed shocking when I first read it, but then if you have ever taken away a device from a child in the middle of a game or video, especially if they have been on it for awhile you see the anger, the frustration, the boiling emotions and raw nerves when they don’t know what to do with themselves anymore, you quickly realize how these behaviors are indicative of addiction.

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• Regarding the first paragraph, I agree that children may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is not, particularly when they are immersed in a digital world.... View This Answer


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