Please read the following and answer the question that follows.
Source: from Einhard, Life of Charlemagne, S. E. Turner, trans. (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1880), pp. 56-62, 51-54, 64-66.
[Charles’ Education] Charles had the gift of ready and fluent speech and could express whatever he had to say with the utmost clearness. He was not satisfied with command of his native language merely but gave attention to the study of foreign ones, and in particular, was such a master of Latin that he could speak it as well as his native tongue, but he could understand Greek better than he could speak it. He was so eloquent, indeed, that he might have passed for a teacher of eloquence. He most zealously cultivated the liberal arts, held those who taught them in great esteem, and conferred great honours upon them. The King spent much time and labour with him studying rhetoric, dialectics, and especially astronomy; he learned to reckon and used to investigate the motions of the heavenly bodies most curiously, with intelligent scrutiny.
Question: Describe Charlemagne’s philosophy on the value of education.
Answer & Explanation
Charles had the gift of ready and fluent speech and could express whatever he had to say with the utmost clearness. • Charlemagne was a wise administrator and a capable... View This Answer